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Center for Responsible Gambling

Complaints procedure

Article 1: Definitions

  1. Organization: Center for Responsible Gambling.
  2. Complainant: a participant in an education or training or a client of a service.
  3. Complaint: complaint about a service or education or training or about the organization and/or content of the Center for Responsible Gambling.

Article 2: Submitting a complaint

  1. The complaint, which will be treated confidentially, must be submitted by e-mail to Mrs. Y. Jansma via,  and must be submitted with reasons to the Center for Responsible Gambling.

Article 3: Handling and decision of the complaint

  1. The Center for Responsible Gambling will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the complainant by email within 5 working days.
  2. Upon request, the Center for Responsible Gambling will provide the complainant with all relevant and available information regarding the complaint within 5 working days.
  3. If possible, the complainant and the director of the Center for Responsible Gambling, with the trainer, actor and/or expert by experience, will first discuss this if possible. This meeting will take place within 4 weeks after submission, to discuss the complaint and arrive at a solution.
    1. Trainer is the person who provides the course in its entirety;
    2. Actor is the person who provides support for the course;
    3. An expert by experience is the person who shares his or her own experiences regarding gambling addictions.
  4. The complainant will receive a report and the decisions taken in consultation within 2 weeks after the conversation. The agreed actions will be implemented by the Center for Responsible Gambling within 2 weeks. In the event that no agreement can be reached, the Center for Responsible Gambling will make a decision. This decision includes at least the findings, conclusions and reactions of the complainant and defendant regarding the handling of the complaint.
  5. If the above deadlines cannot be met by the defendant, the complainant will be informed within 5 working days with an indication of when realization is expected.
  6. All complaints are registered and stored centrally. The complaint and all associated data will be kept for 1 year from the date of settlement.
  7. A complaint is considered settled if:
    1. The parties have mutually reached a solution to the problem and this has been implemented satisfactorily;
    2. A decision has been made by an applicable arbitration institution.

Article 4: Appeal

  1. If the complainant does not agree with the decision of the Center for Responsible Gambling, he can appeal and the complaint will be settled in accordance with the Rules of the Netherlands Arbitration Institute in Rotterdam. The NAI's decision is binding for all parties involved.
  2. If the NAI's judgment leads to actions for the Center for Responsible Gambling, these will be implemented within 2 weeks.

Article 5: Effective date

  1. The scheme will come into effect on March 1, 2022.
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